Tag Archives: Gratitude

Thank you and Goodbye

6 years… that’s how long I have been here.

Over the years, I have shared my moods, my inner most thoughts, my fears, my hopes, my happiness and understood myself better. I feel this place has been a happy place.

However, I shared this space with 5 people who have since shared it with others, unfortunately. When I write, I think of the audience sometimes and I certainly don’t want the negativity of who may read this affecting my thoughts and so, I have thus decided to find a new home, obviously unknown to you- should you end up finding me there, great and if not, this is where our path ends.

Thank YOU to each one of you- I have loved your feedback, your comments, your mails, your words. I wish you ALL the best of luck. Stay happy and live happy.

Much love to all xx
Peace out!


Filed under Ramblings

Second Chances!

We all deserve second chances- this is a known fact.
I mean, we are only human.
However, sometimes you may not be given a second chance and even thought you know you deserve it or you know you really want it, circumstances don’t allow it so when situation is such that it does allow for it, you take a moment, breathe in deep and thank whoever is keeping an eye out for you, so THANK YOU!

I am delighted with the second chance for something I am cooking up in my life and I am grateful for the support Red showed me for the few days where it was all a bit all over the place… another month and I will know whether I did well on my second chance or whether I messed up fantastically!!

THANK YOU yet again.


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Filed under My Day

The Feel Better Factor

Over the years, I have come across loads of different types of people. Surprisingly 😉
There are usually ones I warm up to instantly, some I am a bit cagey about and some I can’t tell why I don’t like.

Often, in the ones I don’t like initially, there are a handful who change my mind about them but often, turns out my gut was right. These people have this amazing ability to eventually make you feel better about yourself, have fun with them, trust them and so on and as you start getting comfortable and changing your initial belief about them, BOOM.

They start saying comments that make them feel better about themselves. Now I, for one, am all about the self loving! I love me and I think everyone should love themselves. BUT it’s not doing you or anyone else any good if you can love yourself by putting others down. Their comments may be slightly snide only or they may be masked as advice but never have I come across any that are genuinely helpful.

Over the years, I have been trying to weed such people out of my life and surround myself with those full of love and gratitude, those who don’t compliment me when they don’t want to, those who only advice me when they can add value or when asked and those who genuinely wish me the best.

Down with the frenemies! I wish there was a way to eradicate that gene in every single human.

ego and soul

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Filed under Friends, Health

You think and IT happens

I love the surprises life holds.
Last year, I defined a role I really wanted to pursue when I was in talks about ending my role with the company then… Knew it was kinda a thought and maybe not even ideal for me but I just knew, I wanted it!

Well, fast forward to 9 months later, it has come on a silver platter to me. You got to love the way things work out- only time will tell what I will decide…. 🙂

dreams that come true

And sometimes, the dreams that come true are the drams you had forgotten you had!

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Filed under My Day


There are moments… when out of the blue… I feel so warm, cosy and fuzzy. It is not because someone wrapped me in a blanket or because someone did something for me but it is a sense of security in knowing you are surrounded by a massive amount of love and there’s nothing that can penetrate that amazing layer.

I am in a genuinely enviable position to be with a man who doesn’t have me on a pedestal and he ain’t on one either (unless it is to change a frigging bulb) but a man who recognises me as an equal, who respects me for who I am, who does little things to make me smile and big things to get a rise out of me, who may not always understand my point of view but always empathises with me, a man who truly wants to look after me knowing full well that that is exactly what I want to do for him.

I haven’t seen him in a few days. When I am sick and tired as I am, it feels like a lifetime. Yet, I go to bed knowing I am a very lucky lady to have my friends, my family and Red.

I hope you feel as secure, content and loved and know the feeling I am trying to capture in words. Good night x

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Filed under Dating, Family, Friends

Dear Mammy

It’s Mother’s Day in Ireland today. One of the reasons I have always loved the fact that they are different in India and Ireland is I have 2 mothers- one in India and one in Ireland.

Due to circumstances beyond my control, my Irish Mammy and I are no longer in touch and haven’t spoken in months. I understand and appreciate her predicament even if I feel a little upset about her stance but so were my deeds at least as she is to perceive them.

I do miss her. And especially today, I would like to let her know she is loved, appreciated and cared for by me, no matter what. A beautiful lady, inside and out, she taught me about being genuine, considerate and calm in a way very different to my mum.

Love you mammy, here’s wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day.

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Filed under Family

Whoop!! I called it!

February has been AN epic month:

  • Work has kicked a$$
  • I have had surprise lunches, dinners, spontaneous plans that have been fun
  • Attended parties, enjoyed massages, had dates with me
  • Opened up some amazing conversations with people I enjoy discussions with
  • Cooked some delish dishes
  • Written out my plan for the next while
  • Embraced some beautiful moments with friends and family
  • Soaked in some rays
  • Planned a new adventure
  • Accepted (what feels like a million) wedding invites of people I care about
  • Laughed, laughed and laughed some more
  • Loved, loved my friends, loved my family, loved myself and loved my life

I am a truly happy person today, cocooned in happiness that radiates from every pore of me!

Told you it was going to rock, didn’t I?!
Hope you had a fab Feb too and here’s to an amazing March! May it be as brilliant 🙂 xx

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Filed under My Day

2 sets of everything…

I live a life where I have almost two of everything- 2 black trousers, 2 black jumpers, 2 black pairs of boots, 2 pairs of black high heels, 2 sets of outfits for most occasions, 2 things of regularly used spices, 2 shampoos, 2, 2, 2…

Yup, it seems like a waste in many ways but there’s a lot of freedom in it too… I have the option to enjoy my buzzing, constantly on the go city life when I want and the calm, big garden oasis close to town; I have the option to have my own space when I want it and the option to share it with someone when I do; I have my own little woman cave and my own entertaining pad… the practicality of it is anyway amazing but the benefits are too UNTIL I realise I only have 1 thing of gelatin and it’s in my townhouse and I am too lazy to go back for it- I mean, it’s easier to go to a shop and buy some more instead.

Sometimes, there’s a dark lining in a usually silver cloud and I love this space to write about it, deal with the momentary obstacle and get on with my busy life 🙂

Boo hiss to no salmon terrine but boo yeah to everything else!

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Filed under My Day

Tonight Tonight

Tonight… I spent tonight on my own.
I cancelled my plans, sent Red out, popped open 2 tubs of ice-cream, played a movie and just chilled.

Pure pure pure bliss. Something beautiful about an evening with myself, reading, colouring, movie-ing, eating, shopping… everything!

Loving life, hope you’re having an awesome Saturday evening wherever you ware and remember, take a moment and be kind to yourself.

Love xx

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Filed under My Day


In the last 3 days, I have been caught in pyjamas 3 times when I least expected it but once, I chose to put them on (the least flaterring ones infact) and sit down with Red and a good friend of his!

child in us

Now I am obviously very comfortable with Red but to be so comfortable with his friend is a good feeling and you know you have made some right choices in life when you are surrounded by such folks in your life.

I am a lucky girl.

Today I am grateful for the love in my life- romantic, family and friends; comfortable clothes I love and a happy disposition towards everything.
And the epic 10 hour sleep I had earlier. Yes!! #winning

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Filed under My Day, Weekly Gratitude

So, this happened!

Earlier today I was driving home, shattered and wrecked- looking forward to my bed.

And then, I came to a stop at a red light in the middle lane and realised the guy on my right was indicating to come into my lane so obviously I acknowledged I would let him in but realised he wanted to ask me out for a drink.

Now, I have had men hit on me in numerous places but never when I am looking like a zombie and in pure sign language a metre and a half apart.

One way to feel pretty damn good about myself and go to bed on the high from it 🙂 Feel beautiful world, you are awesome x

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Filed under My Day

The First Hello…

… after the last goodbye!

Yes, I had one of those moments yesterday where, at a ball, I glimpsed a guy I was with.

Now this is potentially the only guy in the world I really imagined a future with and it went nowhere, I was definitely very upset and confused when it all unfolded. And I always assumed we would bump into each other at some point but just not at a black tie ball- the advantage there is we both looked well 🙂

So, re-applied my bright red lipstick, shook my hair till it looked just messy enough to be cool, in my towering high heels, I walked up to the guy and said hello. And then he rose, all the tallness of him and I recalled why I was so attracted to him- still an imposing figure, still a good looking face and still someone who could fill a suit well.

And then we chatted, we chatted for a few minutes catching up on the major aspects of life. And then we chatted about the smaller things and then we chatted of things we hadn’t really spoken much about at that time. And as we chatted, I realised he was a good guy (phew, I hadn’t messed up on that front at least) but an unhappy one (despite major changes since we had met, and all of them good, he still wasn’t content), with a few regrets in life and so, it made me appreciate Red so much more.

The moment we finished our chat, I knew it was time for me to head home, head home to the man I love the most, the man who stands up to me when I am wrong, the man who pushes me to be the best I can be, the man who gets silly with me when I want to, the man who scrubs up well and escorts me to all the fancy balls we go to, the man who makes my ‘ovaries swing’… I knew the story that started 3 years ago is the one I want to be a part of for the rest of my life and I am really glad I got the closure with Tolkein without ever actually needing it.


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Filed under Dating, Ramblings

Gratitude, Pure Gratefulness.

The month of October was a gratitude month for me where I wrote a journal for each day and why I was gratitude. Looking at it now I realise I am such a darn, lucky person!

I am free

And I had many opportunities last month to play the game but I am exceptionally grateful to take a moment and map out what I really want and what the next steps should be for me… it’s an exciting time now and I am unsure of where things will head but I have a pretty good idea of the path that lies ahead of me. I have a feeling 2016 is gonna be effing epic and I just cannot wait!

Bring on the excitement of the life ahead and the journey ahead… the change this week alone has been terrifying, tough and exciting and I keep feeling this is just the calm before the real storm and I know it’s gonna be tough but I am ready for the challenge… BRING IT ON!

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Filed under My Day

I re-emerged!

Tonight, I was out for dinner with 2 of my best friends- these are girls I have known for years, hugged, cried, partied with, laughed with, been in hospitals with (not all at the same time), etc etc etc- these are MY girls. I am VERY lucky that I have a lot of such girlies in my life 🙂

So we did our usual once every 4-6 week dinner catch up and it was, as always, delightful, too short and once again, we had to be removed from the premises because we lost track of time. Yup, even after marriages, babies and such, when we get together, it’s still a little silly (on club oranges too, I will have you know- it’s all the sugar from the fruit, I tells thee!!)

As we were talking, I somehow felt I have come out of a shell, after almost a good few years, I laughed and slagged the way I used to, I talked as much as I used to- I hadn’t realised how much I had changed till I felt like this again- whether it’s the moon, the time of the month, the friends, the mood I was in or just the decision I made last week but all in all, it’s a pretty awesome way to be and I love it.

I am so glad I am on such a high… the high of life… long may it continue xxx

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Filed under My Day

So Lucky!

This week has been amazingly good at making me feel SO very lucky to be with Red- he has been the biggest support, my cheerleader, my fan, my rock and also the one to pull me when I was wrong, the one to correct me when I was likely to go the wrong way and the one to pick me one when things were down but still, his motorbike and his DIY skills win tops!

boy vs gentleman

I don’t even know if others are jealous but I sure am lucky.

Full of love, gratitude and contentment xx

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Filed under Dating

Jan 29, Thursday: Letter

Dear Winnie

As I get ready to see you in less than 48 hours, I can’t help but think of the time we have known each other- since back in the 90s to now… we have come a long way. Having known you for all my adult life, seen both of us morph into different beige, going down very different paths but being so strongly connected, enjoying our travels, squabbling over our differences,  we have been through a lot.

We don’t always see eye to eye, we don’t mince our words with each other, yet we always know we have a mature friendship that can endure a lot and is balanced on a lot of trust and understanding. The lack of drama most of the time, the great laughs and the deep chats is what signifies us for what we are to each other.

I am so glad and so proud to have you as one of my closest friends in this world. I absolutely adore you and am very excited about adding new chats and memories.

Love you loads,

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Filed under Weekly Person

Jan 22, Thursday: Letter

Dear Fairy

From the moment you danced in to my life that day in the pub many years ago to today, it’s been some ride. We have had our differences, our clashes, our chats, our cries and our laughs. Today, you embark on a new chapter and I wish you the utmost luck, not that you need it.

You are absolutely awesome and I am delighted you are one of my closest friends today- I look forward to us downing ourselves in cocktails, even when we are 90!

Love loads,

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Filed under Weekly Person

Jan 15, Thursday: Letter

Dear Ladies

You know who you are- the ladies who add a lot of wholesomeness to my life- the ladies who understand my need to scream, hike, meditate, sleep, drink and vent every so often, the ladies who give me the strength when everything is going under and the ladies who help me share ideas.

I adore you guys- you have been a part of my life for ages and I am so glad we started this unit this year- only 2 weeks in and you lot are my saviour. I love you both.

Thank you for everything so far already and thank you for all the goodness coming our way in the future- here’s to us stomping the world!


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Filed under Weekly Person

Jan 8, Thursday

Dear Harry

Who would have thought we would come to a day where I would be the best man at your wedding?!
This is such a turn of events, such a twist and such an honour.

We don’t see eye to eye on many things, we have different opinions on what to do for certain events but the idea of organising the wine and whiskey tastings, the signing of the registry and the photographs… they make me skill when I look back to our first date and the moments we have shared.

Here’s to a fun ride ahead of us 🙂


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Filed under Weekly Person

Dec 18, Thursday: Letter

Dear little sis,

You are awesome. I adore you so much and am so glad that thanks to technology we are so good at keeping in touch- the silly ideas you send my way, the silly jokes we share, the plans we hatch, the fun we have- I am absolutely delighted we are the way we are! It’s good to have you by my side when we have the silly brothers that we do 🙂

You have grown to be such a wonderful person, still confused about everything but with a fantastic heart that is very generous and giving to all.

I am so proud to call you my sister and I am so glad we are both as excited as we are about being ‘bua’ together.

Love you loads and can’t wait to give you a hug in a few weeks time.

Yours always, with lots and lots of love and happiness,
Joy di

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Filed under Weekly Person

Dec 11, Thursday: Letter

Dear Fairy

We met and we knew we were going to be friends- surprisingly since we are very different, have different perspectives to EVERYthing, have different tastes- you are the sophisticated, smart girl and I am the simple, old man pub drinking girl yet there is something in us that draws us to each other.

I am so glad we are friends, I am so glad we connect at some level and I am so glad we have each other to throw ideas around with!

Here’s hoping you have a fab 2015 and life gets easier for you.

Much love,

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Filed under Weekly Person

Dec 4, Thursday: Letter

Dear Sailor in Heels,

You came into my life one random evening- we hit it off, never really managed to catch up properly. We bumped at many occasions and somehow, one day, we just knew we were going to just get to the point where we become inseparable.

Last night, confirmed it again.

Chatting to you about work, about dreams, sharing thoughts, bouncing off walls, having the lolz, bantering with ransomers, being silly- we crammed so much in- bar the chips! Here’s to many more shenanigans, to deep conversations, to heart to hearts, to silliness, to a beautiful friendship.

Thank you!


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Filed under Weekly Person

Nov 27, Thursday: Letter

Dear Big Guy

I don’t know whether to thank you, dislike you, trust you, be wary or what. I have known you for over a decade, we have been colleagues, friends, coach/ menthe, confidantes etc.

This time, I am disappointed that you caused the miscommunication between a friend and me, somehow managed to get away unscathed and left me in a sinking hole despite me not having been at fault. Thank you for making me realise trust is a tough thing even after years.

At the same time, I do wonder why that guy reacted the way he did and jumped to conclusions about me that he did! Thanks for making me realise the strength of that friendship.

Thank you for everything so far and going forward, I will be more wary! A tough lesson well learnt.

Thank you!


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Filed under Weekly Person

So be it!

Over the past 10 days, I have been at odds with Ryan.

He thinks I said something I shouldn’t have and I think he jumped to conclusions he shouldn’t have- it is an obvious misunderstanding but I have tried to make amends and make calls which have been ignored.

Being told to apologise to him last night peeved me off- we are both at fault and I did make move but haven’t been acknowledged and am tired of him never making a gesture. To some extent, I suspect ego will win this war and a part of me is too tired to care.


You have been a very good friend and a great business partner in the past- we have had our differences on many levels and I am sorry to see our friendship has reached the point that it has. I have no clue where this junction will take us but at this point, I am going to leave it to the universe to guide, decide and lead.

I wish you luck with everything and the future. Hopefully someday we can be egoless and adults about this and you will know an apology is a two way street.


90% conflict due to tone

Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
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Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
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Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
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Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
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Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.
Ryan, I thank you, I forgive you, I am sorry and I love you.

Written a 108 times individually- leaving it to the powers that be. So be it!

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Filed under Friends

Nov 20, Thursday: Letter

Dear Terrifying Teacher

When we were kids, we were scared of you. People used to quiver when they heard your name, people used to hide when you walked anywhere and yes, I was among the group too.

But, somehow I was picked by you to nourished that little bit more. I was polished by you, goaded by you, showered love, attention and anger, pushed to the edges and brought back before I snapped- well mostly, I did snap bad and I love the fact that after all these years, I still think of you so fondly and know if our paths ever cross, we will still hug tight, we will share a strong bond and we will gossip about everything- I look forward to that whenever the time may be so!

For now, I hope you know your work was not wasted and I appreciate the fact that you decided to polish this piece of coal so much more.


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Filed under Weekly Person

Nov 13, Thursday: Letter

Dear Customers

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Without you, I would be nothing- your orders, your words of feedback, your love of our product, your referrals, your money- all are very important to me. Each one of you is very special- some of you have driven me up the wall but have made up for it with the gushing praise for our work, some of you have been the most amazing customers ever and each and every one of you means the world to me.

Thank you.


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Filed under Weekly Person

Nov 6, Thursday: Letter

Dear Life,

This week has been a bombardment of amazing experiences, craziness and just general silliness. Thank you for the moments such as these- my feet hurt, I am shattered, my liver screams in pain but it makes for great stories, fabulous memories and a happy life.

Thank you, thank you, thank you- I absolutely would be just a shell if not for you and the passion you ignite within me.


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Filed under Weekly Person

Oct 30, Thursday: Letter

Dear un born niece/ nephew,

I am VERY excited about you coming into the family. I think you are born into a family of luck and wish you lots of happiness and success. I do hope you grow up to be a fantastic person- kind, smart, intelligent, generous and achieve all your desires. As the bus who will be furthest away in terms of distance and in terms of the one who hardly is in contact with your parents, I still want you to know I love you loads and you are mine! I will always be there for you and even though you will be a few months old when we first meet, I cannot wait to hold you in my arms!

Love you loads already,
Joy Bua.


Filed under Weekly Person

Oct 23, Thursday: Letter

Dear Spartacus,

I can’t wait to give you a hug and kick you simultaneously tomorrow! It’s been crazy that we haven’t caught up in 4 years and I am really looking forward to sharing conversations, creating new memories, having a laugh and just being our silly selves again.

I can’t believe we have now been friends for 15 and what a fun/ odd journey it has been- from hanging out of cars to midnight drives to early morning omelettes to tubing to spiderman and whatever else.

See you soon!


PS I am going off grid for the next few days guys as I get away from the internet and enjoy the real world for a while!

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Oct 16, Thursday: Letter

Dear little lady

When you came in to my life, we were working on the same project. We didn’t really have a chance to get to know one another… till one fine day, while having coffee at The Shrews, we started talking and you offered help. The next thing you knew, the three of us were seeing each other regularly and we became thick friends… Today, I count you amongst my closest pals and think you are one of the kindest, nicest, genuine people I have ever had the luck of knowing.

Stay the way you are and keep smiling, always!


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Oct 9, Thursday: Letter

Dear Jiju’s Saali,

You came into my life many months ago- initially I was vary of you, you kept pushing, I met out of courtesy, you kept charming, I started initiating, you stayed charming and somewhere along the way, I realised how stupid I was for not having realised what a wonderful friend, what a beautiful person and how insane you really are. I am absolutely delighted we are friends- be it the movies, the coffees, the walking plans, the health regimes we break, the dinners, the parties, the slagging or just, laughing… you are absolutely brilliant and I hope you never change in your exuberance or your optimism. May you always be larger than life and may we always remain friends.

Love you loads,

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Oct 2, Thursday: Letter

There are 2 letters today- neither people I have met but people who influenced me.

Dear Bapu,

You are the father of my nation. You have been an inspiration to all. You have shown us the path in the past and in your name, many a path is still forged today. I admire your courage those decades ago, I admire your dedication and I salute you in leading India to independence.

Happy Birthday.


For the day that it is- well, tomorrow is Dussehra so…

Dear Laxmi,

Thank you for your support. Thank you for the wealth you have provided so far and thank you for what you will provide. You have been generous and ensured I have always had food and a roof- more than many people can say. For the next 3 weeks, I am gambling huge- gambling with calculated risks in business, gambling with ideas and gambling with cards- please support me, please help me and please let them pay off. I lost two years ago, financially but I won in love, as the saying goes. This year, I have the love, I need the push in business and would really appreciate it.

Looking forward to your visit on Diwali- I am sorry I will be away but my home will be left open for you.

With gratitude and love,

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Sep 25, Thursday: Letter

To everyone who has ever rubbed me the wrong way

I am sorry. This letter is to apologise for me being an idiot, for me being immature and for me focusing on myself.

I realise now I was being high up on my moral ground or some other ground and looking down at you potentially. I realise something else was upsetting me and you were an easy target. I realise I expect certain standards and believe everyone else has the same focus. I realise I may not have even meant it but I managed to hurt you.

And I realise you may have had exactly the same thing at the time you upset me.

I want to let this be my public apology to all, whether they know who I am, whether they read me here or not- I apologise, I am sorry and I forgive you.

Thank you- thank you for teaching me this lesson, thank you for having had an impact to my life and thank you for letting me add some to yours.

Love to all,

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Sep 18, Thursday: Letter

Dear M

We went on a date many moons ago, we kept in touch, we talked loads, we shared gossip and news, we discussed politics and cars, we drank coffee and rum, we walked, we laughed and somehow, we became really good buddies.

It’s been great knowing you, having you as a friend, sharing some amazing moments together and I am excited about us being able to spend more time together in the future.

Thanks for your faith in my work, in me and always making me laugh when I need a giggle and when all else fails, getting me drunk!


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Sep 4, Thursday: Letter

Dear DDT

I don’t really know you, I don’t have any relationship with you but I love the advice you give, the way you keep pushing me, the way you share your experiences.

Thank you. I love you, I forgive, I thank you, I am sorry.


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Aug 28, Thursday: Letter

Dear Jingles

When I first met you, I wasn’t sure you were the right person for my brother. You went on to convince me otherwise.

You then went on to become a good friend to me too. However, somewhere along the path, we diverged, for all the right reasons.

Recently you said something to me that hurt me deeply- it was beyond nasty and it showed the streak in you that I always suspected.

I thank you for bringing happiness to my brother’s life, I thank your for teaching me to trust my gut, I thank you for the civility we accord each other and I thank you for keeping your distance from me.

All the best. Love,

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Aug 21, Thursday: Letter

Dear Intern

Thanks for being a part of my life. We both hoped this would have worked better but alas, chest la vie. I am glad in the process we became good friends and I hope to continue that.

Thanks for your help, thanks for your honesty and thanks for your energy!

I wish you luck with your endeavours.


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India/ Pak Independence Days

Aug 14, Letter

Dear Matryoshka,

When I first met, I was excited about what you meant for my friend but the more I got to know you, the less I cared for you. The more we talked, the less I respected you. The more I saw your actions, the less I gave a damn. I do thank you for being a part of my life and teaching me how much I can pity someone. I do thank you for being a part of my life and teaching me the true meaning of manipulation and reminding me why my cynicism is actually a good thing. I do thank you for teaching me the power of confidence, security and love. And I thank you most for disliking me the way you do cos it means I am spared of being in your destructive path. Please go get counselling before it is too late and you lose the bit in you that actually means well!

Thank you- I love you, I forgive you and I am sorry.

Go in peace,

August 15, Weekly Achievements

1. A really good meeting with a person I hadn’t met in ages
2. Almost finished unpacking
3. Gotten back into the swing of walking


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Aug 7, Thursday: Letter

Dear New Housemates

We have been housemates since Friday technically but I think the tea in the living room, reading the paper and playing jenga, while planning bunting and tea lights calls for a special moment. I am glad to be living with people who enjoy the odd glass of wine, a good cuppa but most of all, the laughs and the fun.

Here’s to a wonderful time together ahead of us!


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July 31, Thursday: Letter

Dear person from mar 6/ Colleague,

We have become good mates over the years but I would have never considered us extremely close but you opening up your house, your dog, your trust to me so wonderfully at a time of need is something I will never forget. It has been an absolute pleasure the past few weeks and even though you were personally not here, it has taken our friendship to a brand new level and I look forward to the change in our friendship.

I especially look forward to walking the dog, playing with her and having a great time with her. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


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Jul 24, Thursday: Letter

Dear A

it’s off after so many years you feature in my thoughts but you do. We had friends in common when you came into my life even though that’s not how we met. We liked the same guys and shared stories on crushes, discussed all things teenage and became friends till you started accusing me of sabotaging your school career least realising I did nothing as I really couldn’t be arsed to and because I was too naive to be manipulative! I wish we hadn’t parted on such terrible terms.

We ended up in college together and people assumed we were besties. We tried hard but neither of us was willing to let the ego go- today, I wish we could sit and enjoy a coffee so next time you are looking down over earth, raise me a toast and I will respond!

The world is a sadder place without you. Glad our paths crossed.


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Jul 17, Thursday: Letter

As I go around looking for places and new housemates, I have often found my mind wandering back towards N

Dear N,

When we met, little did we know, we would end up traveling to different continents, becoming good friends, seeing each other grow through life and just change as people. We had our moments, we had our disagreements, we had our issues but more often, we had our fun, we had our cinema dates, we had chats, we shared thoughts. Over the years, life has happened, we don’t get to see each other as often as we would like but that is not to say, our friendship is any lesser.

I am delighted you are with the woman you love and together you have a beautiful daughter. I look forward to our next catch up soon and I can only hope, I get housemates as caring, as easy going, as intelligent, as interesting as you.

Thank you for your friendship this past decade- it’s been some ride!


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Jul 10, Thursday: Letter

Dear Mum

I am really missing you- despite your ability to drive me absolutely up the wall, despite your knack to ensure whatever you say is misunderstood by me, despite your love for everything we disagree on. I love you.

Thank you for everything, especially the points made above- they are what make you you.


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Jul 3, Thursday: Letter

Dear Candy

For the week that’s in it, I can’t help but reflect on us- our journey, from the moment we met the first time to our dinner to us becoming the BFFs that are and then eventually housemates. We have certainly seen each other through some and food and it has always made us stronger (in my opinion)- however, we didn’t necessarily make the time to spend the time our friendship always needed and I hope someday soon, just you and me can go for a walk, some wine and many a chat! Thank you for always being there, thank you for the fun times, thank you for the love.


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Catching up with June!

So the last week just took me by surprise and it was tough in a lot of ways, so here goes the ones I have missed out on:

June 23: Gratitude:

– Sunshine: A weekend in the sun, longest day of the year, loads of friends, great music, fantastic memories- all made extra special because of the beautiful weather.
– Ability to drive: After having to drive back from the music festival, I am glad I could- having to spend an extra night there would not have been fun!
– Shower: Nothing like a good clean shower after a weekend of camping and fun!

June 24: Moment:

The first time I went looking for an apartment, I was clueless as to what I should be looking for- eventually found something, nice size etc and realised that the girl I lived with was amazing and I had struck lucky till she had to  move out… as I look back, I have had some odd moments all right, some weird stories but all in all, I have been really lucky and I hope as I go looking to share for potentially the last time, I am really excited about the prospect of meeting someone new, making a new friendship and creating a new atmosphere and environment around me!

June 26: Letter:

Dear Mum’s Youngest Sister,

You have often been the one I have compared to most- thank you for our advice, thank you for your pragmatism, thank you for your love, thank you for the inspiration you have provided and thank you for the shoes!

I love you loads and I miss you loads- wish I could be there through these times.


June 27: Weekly Achievements:

– Packing up completed
– In the news in 2 different countries
– Taking some time to remind myself how lucky I am over a nice bath and a glass of bubbles!

June 30: Gratitude:

– Good Times: Water skiing, donuting, BBQs, drink with Red’s granny, all make for good times! Great weekend makes for a great start to the week
– Sense of Humour: SO much went wrong over the past while but a sense of humour has really been awesome
– R&R: Booked myself a spa day and also had lie-ins, sleep-ins, chilling in the sun and all the things that make for a nice R&R (even if the body aches now!)

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Jun 19, Thursday: Letter

Dear Youngest Bro,

You are, you have been and you will always be my younges- when you mess up, I am the one who tries to defend you, when you  cook it wrong, I still call it tasty, when you do something stupid, I make an excuse to cover up- no matter what, I do all I can to protect you- and this is just the stuff you know. All in all, you are my baby in every which way and I love you greatly.

I know you have had to deal with some consequences to your many un-defendable mistakes and I am proud of you for having faced up to them.

I know you have had to deal with some realities to your many naive mistakes and I am delighted you took them in our stride.

But most of all, I love you for you!

Love, Love, Love,
Joy didi.

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Jun 12 & Jun 13- all in one!

June 12, Thursday: Letter

Dear Art Patron,

Thank you. Thank you for your help. Thank you for your belief in us and now, thank you for your friendship. We may have just started getting to know one another but I suspect, we will be mates for a good long while!



June 13, Friday: Weekly Achievements

1. An article I needed to get done, done!
2. A competition I needed to kick off, done!
3. Had a midweek party night after ages 🙂

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Jun 5, Thursday: Letter

Dear Lioness,

You stunning beauty- we met one night, we got along great, I thought you wanted to hook up with Red but yet I really liked you. I am so glad we are friends- you are truly like a soul sister who enjoys the insanity of a midnight party to the deep conversations on life over cups of tea.

You have been amazingly good to me when I have needed support, had faith when I needed belief and just loved me for who I am.

Thank you, thank you, thank you- I am absolutely over the moon delighted that we are friends.


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May 29, Thursday: Letter

Dear Nani,

Where do I start? In all my years, you have always been there- the one with the sense of fear, the one with the sense of insecurity, the one with the sense of pessimism, the one who would always try and stop us. However, despite all that, you were also always the one to shower us with love, feed us till we couldn’t even pop, teach us to be think twice before leaping.

Thank you for being you- I am glad to be born into your family.

Lots of love,

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May 22, Thursday: Letter

Dear Elder ‘Sister’,

You were one of my first best friends, you were one of those I grew up believing I loved you because I had to. You have always been caring and protective of me and you always mean well. Our paths have diverged, they were always going to- our upbringing, our thoughts, our ideas never met… I do appreciate the concern you always have for me, the way you still try to look out for me and the way you try to tell me what to do. You have a heart of gold and even though we misunderstand each other more than not, I want you to know I love you.

I love you cos you are my blood and at the end of the day, blood is thicker than water.

All the best with your new move.


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