No time or place for regrets

I have almost always prided myself for living my life the way I do and living it up!
I have also prided myself for not having too many regrets in life and having enjoyed the life I have lead.
I have also prided myself for taking the “I learnt something” attitude through every experience- especially when I lost.

This pic reminds me why I feel so lucky and why I have no time or place for regrets in my life: I have taken chances, I have told the truth (most of the time), I have dated all sorts, I have said no, I have been close to broke a few times, I have some friends who I am very close to from the random conversations, I have loved, I have laughed, I have cried, I have lived and I have no regrets.

This is what life is all about.

And breaking rules 😉


Filed under Health

2 responses to “No time or place for regrets

  1. cynthia s

    I have always prided myself at leading a “balanced” lifestyle. It is something my friends always commend me on as well. I have always worked, studied, exercised, gone out, read, wrote, explored and made time for my family, friends and boyfriend. I try to do it all. Right now it feels like I might be “doing it all” but not doing any of it well. Right now I seem to be average at everything. What is the point then? Does a “balanced” life even exist. Is it time for me to choose. I don’t want to. I like doing everything and making time for everyone in my life whilst I try to broaden my knowledge base, skills levels and partaking in activities I enjoy.

    • Good question- I think balance is important but so are priorities- we prioritise certain things and strike a balance around them- there are certain musts and certain nice to haves… they depend on each individual so, its a matter of introspecting and identifying, I think. Best of luck with the process.

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